The Newspeak noose continues to tighten so as to control the information bridesmaids film that WE THE PEOPLE bridesmaids film receive (links below the fold): 1. FEC chair warns that conservative media like Drudge Report and Sean Hannity face regulation --- like PACs 2. FCC’s grab for new regulatory power could go beyond broadband providers
It just keeps getting worse and worse!!! This is UNBELIEVABLE!! This is like we read about in Germany in the 30's!!! Family members and friends turning against eachother? Turning their own friends and family members in! There are no words for this! Now Obama is telling Students to monitor their own family members for racial insensitivity! Michelle Obama Would Like Students to Monitor Family Members for Racial Insensitivity REF: Obama is encouraging students to monitor their older relatives, friends and co-workers for any racially insensitive comments they might make, and to challenge those comments whenever they’re made. Obama said students bridesmaids film need to police family and friends because federal laws can only go so far in stopping racism. Our laws may no longer separate us based on our skin color, but nothing in the Constitution says we have to eat together in the lunchroom, or live together in the same neighborhoods. This intolerance is a bunch of bullshit - liberals are the least tolerant. They want to turn the children into government spies. We should all be allowed to say anything; no matter bridesmaids film how offensive bridesmaids film or, outrages - as long as it doesn't place someone in harms way. I bet you neither Barry, or Michelle give a damn about the ghetto vernacular! This, and every other devise fostered by them is founded in redistribution. That is why they keep pushing race. They need to present a divide in order to fortify their redistributive intentions. This is Obama's World of Social Justice!! Reply Delete
What exactly does Obammy mean when he says "RACIAL INSENSITIVITY?" If I say I have no problem with decent, law-abiding Black people but I can't stand Rapper, or 7 foot Basketball Players, is that RACIALLY "INSENSITIVE?" If I say I have little to nothing in common with the vast majority of Blacks I come in contact with, is that "INSENSITIVE?" If I say I am more comfortable living in a predominately bridesmaids film White environment because it is more culturally familiar, and comfortable to me, is that "INSENSITIVE? Well if it is, then it’s TOO DAMN BAD!! Reply Delete
This is the same crap that is taught in our schools these days! They expose students to radical leftist thinkers and promote a theory that alleges white people are the oppressors. They are teaching WHITE GUILT,” They’re dividing the students. Blacks, Hispanics, and other NON-WHITES, that You Have Been Oppressed and You’re Still Being Oppressed! Oppressed? I don’t see it that way, where ever I go i see a GREAT DEAL of blacks being more than well represented on Police Forces, Lawyers, Doctors, Judges, Nurses, all over the Hospitals, and they certainly out number whites in Governmental positions everywhere. So that the hell is Obama talking about??. And another thing, I think that it’s pretty damn safe to say that no black person gets arrested unjustly, no matter what they say, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. SO WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? My God, has Obama set back Race relations!! Shame on you!! And Sharpton and Jackson both have made themselves multimillionaires on the back of the Blacks. All we hear and read about these days are Race this and race that, and people getting fired and losing their livelihood because of a word they said 30 years ago. And every damn TV or Movie show is about SLAVERY! God I’m freaken SICK and Tired of all that crap. Like it or not, and no matter what Obama says, Trayvon Martin was an out of control teenager, and Oprah Winfrey is a racist, who should STOP looking at the past instead of looking at the present. Thank You for giving me this time to get this CRAP off my chest. Reply Delete
The Halffrican president has once again played the race card, as he has again and again in the past. With his messages of hate, and division. Obama is a Midget in a Giant’s job. And to say that Oprah Winfrey is a racist, is a No Brainer. Reply Delete
Welcome to the Black Liberal Democrat Progressive Regressive bridesmaids film University where Victimization 101 is a required course. The race baiters ala Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson ant that bunch have riled up the black youth so much that they have taken to the streets with flash mobs, Knock-out games, etc,. Reverse Racism, if you want to call it that, is more dangerous. It is also their way of holding back the progress of their own race, but it does secure votes for these people. There are some very good points made here! This administration is doing more harm than good. What bothers me the most is the ignorance bridesmaids film of the people on the left not seeing the implications of
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