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# 3 AAA 23/02/2011 0:48 Reply web searching okidoki HOME NEWS National Assessment 2012 BAC 2012 U.S. Elections POLICY INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL prom girl THOUGHT THE POWER OF THOUGHT reports STORE SPORT AUTO TIME Mobile World Congress
"The Social Network" David Fincher's film tells the story of birth Facebook, enjoyed success at the Golden Globes, where he received awards for best drama, best director, best screenplay and best soundtrack
"The Social Network" is the main rival of "The King's Speech" an Oscar favorite this year, the actor Colin Firth plays King George VI of Great Britain.
Eight received Academy Award nominations the film that talks about the beginning of Facebook, which now has 550 million members and is worth 50 billion dollars. And film critic Andrei Gorzo hope to see winning prom girl as many trophies.
"dramatization of real events so close in time a bet is technically difficult," says Andrei Gorzo the complicated plot of the film. "Those who started the social network prom girl were suing each other with so much energy that it is very difficult to establish who wronged whom. Thickets film dramatizes the legal and moral failing a story that began simply with some Harvard students prom girl who had gathered to make a website, "said Andrei Gorzo for thought, fascinated by the ambiguity feature film.
In "The Social Network," he notes, whose screenplay is written by Aaron Sorkin, all the characters speak very well. So well, that a teacher in real life, Lawrence Lessing wrote that he would like his students prom girl at Harvard to speak so fluently, smart and edgy. "They are lovely speed, intelligence and sharpness of the dialogue. Everyone speaks very well, and Zuckerberg, who is the smartest of them, saith the better," says Andrei Gorzo. Jesse Eisenberg does a great role in "The Social Network" film critic admires filmmakers changed the way real events to create a fictional Mark Zuckerberg extremely complex. "Mark Zuckerberg is a complex character, is not very easy to love the general public has a certain opacity, which makes it hard to like," said Andrei Gorzo. In his opinion, Jesse Eisenberg makes a big role in "The Social Network".
"Everyone praises the acting talents of Colin Firth in" The King's Speech ", but nobody noticed that Jesse Eisenberg does not rise again eyebrows during the movie. This gives the character Zuckerberg opacity, hostility, is a matter that work the public, but subliminally. Whilst the way Colin Firth plays stammering King is the kind of high drama that says great actor, "says film critic, who did not like" The King's Speech "because of how" demagogic "that combines the conservatism of egalitarian discourse. "In" The King's Speech "facts are greatly simplified so as to be easier prom girl to swallow, any ambiguity is eradicated," prom girl continues Andrew Gorzo. prom girl
# 3 AAA 23/02/2011 0:48 Reply
who give their opinion? Andrei Gorzo?? Well I can say only this: I've searched the net and find out that the man is from .... aiud, white county so let me with his views, high-level critical ... it's "The prom girl Social Network prom girl "
I still do not think it's Oscar nominated prom girl flick not worth has nothing to do with anything except that it is fashionable. It's very sad but Hollywood is always trendy and facebook is trendy. Too bad they sell so cheap. I give maximum grade 7. King's speech is still 9.5 is better than the social network
One of the arguments childish "no notice that Jesse E. not to raise eyebrows during the movie." And herein lies that make a big role? But what's so hard not raise your eyebrows? And I can do it, anytime, anywhere. He does pretty well on autistic and that. Mark Zuckerberg prom girl complex character? What is the complexity? prom girl It's like a robot. The complex character of George VI. Well that at least our critic admits great actor Colin Firth, this time. Where are ambiguities in the Social Network? What I'm interested how the characters speak properly? They manage to touch me in any way? No. In all fairness their language. Dialogues prom girl Fast? What's this? Add any extra swiftness prom girl artistic film that speaks? No. The dialogues are clever indeed. It's an ok movie and it certainly pleased the young. But not suffer any comparison with King's speech in terms of drama, the main character's feelings scenario, all this and more I have done so far on George VI like I was and I around

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