Charles Krauthammer once said that “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.” Even liberals who've accomplished a lot in their lives and have high IQs often say things on a regular basis that are stunningly, profoundly stupid and at odds with the way the world works. Modern liberalism has become so bereft of common duster sense and instinctually suicidal that America can only survive over the long haul by thwarting duster the liberal agenda. In fact, liberalism has become such a toxic and poisonous duster philosophy that most liberals wouldn't behave differently if their goal were to deliberately destroy the country. For example when you debate a Liberal they'll duster go quote from a source, usually from some Liberal run or Liberal owned “Checking Source”. Or the one that I see all the time and I just despise the people who do it and that’s “BLAME BUSH or REAGAN” duster .. What they miss is even if it's a Liberal source the person who wrote that entire duster work they're quote took that conclusion from another Liberal. I wonder if any of THEIR so called “Source’s” tell them that it was actually duster Liberals that backed Jim Crow's laws? Hummm, most likely not! There is research, time, effort and experience underneath the words they cannot hope to grasp simply by taking duster that quote out of context. duster Hence they just try to prove others duster "wrong" rather than ask questions, have an actual debate and prove themselves right. Reply Delete
Just How Stupid Does Obama Think We Are? His last lie, “I actually said, ‘You duster can keep your insurance, if it hasn’t changed duster since the law passed…” is so incredible, that it gives us a clue at how little regard he has for the American people. He thinks we must have the IQ of 80 or we are so mesmerized by him, we will believe anything he says. Next, he will be telling us, the consulate at Benghazi was attacked because of a video! Oh, wait, … That does sound a bit familiar doesn't it! No matter duster how much he lies he still can count on the retarded bunch on the left to support him. Reply Delete
I'll bet you couldn't answer even one of those questions correctly, if your life depended in it. People who make no attempt to address the given subject, but post irrelevant broadsides instead, ought to be banned from the blogging community. ----------------------> Katharine Heartburn Delete
The truth shall set you free, "He thinks we must have the IQ of 80 or we are so mesmerized by him, we will believe anything he says." Well, can you blame him? After all, he managed duster to get elected twice! Reply Delete
Katharine may sound imperious at times, I'll grant you, but surely her vinegary observations carry more weight, show more wisdom, and have greater value than the vulgar sort of nonsense duster you've contributed here today, if "contribute" could be said to be the right word. Don't you think it's time you grew up? Delete
Yeesh. Missed two myself- Susan B. Anthony duster and which president it was during duster WWI. Some of those I don't get how they even guessed what they did. I may suck at history duster but placing George Washington in WWI? No. Just no. At least get in a ballpark people. So many of those guesses are just so wrong it makes you question how they passes high school. -Wildstar Reply Delete
You're right about putting George Washington so absurdly out of context, Wildstar, but didn't you find it ironic that the young man who offered that seemed to be the most thoughtful and knowledgeable of that motley crew of respondents in his other answers? Most of the respondents seemed to be nice normal, respectable-looking people -- not a Charles Manson or Dennis Rodman-type among them, although "ditzy" came to mind all too easily in reference to several.. That may be the most frightening aspect of all. Have we become a nation of "airheads" -- and those who poke fun at them? Is that all we amount to today? I hope not. Delete
My purpose was not to poke fun , but rather to sound the alarm. Again . And, yes, the irony is palpable: didn't you find it ironic that the young man who offered that seemed to be the most thoughtful and knowledgeable of that motley crew of respondents in his other answers? Delete
I don't think he accused you in particular of anything, Ma'am. I know him pretty well, and he usually addresses duster the broad underlying principles from which all the solutions would come, if they weren't constantly violated. He hardly ever attacks anyone personally. Helen Highwater PS: I'm sorry to learn you're ill. I hope you get enough rest to be able to get well soon. - HH Delete
Helen, I don't think he accused you in particular duster of anything Probably not. My
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