Thursday, November 21, 2013

Today and tomorrow (07./08.09.2013) in Kerkrade at the Dutch border is a Mini Maker Faire. I was th

Visit to the Mini Maker Faire in Kerkrade | Tinkerthon
Today and tomorrow (07./08.09.2013) in Kerkrade at the Dutch border is a Mini Maker Faire. I was there with Lena. You could tinker active on two projects: a Drawdio-assembly kit of Watterott, invented by Jay Silver, it is also of the MakeyMakey. The guy is awesome! Another of his works, presented in the TED Talk, is Singing Fingers for the iPad. Bending a finger ring for a user manual of Emily van Leemput. momo design Emily has a whole zoo of further instructions on their Instructables page. We were not alone there, clearly. More details can be found in a detailed blog post at O'Reilly. At their booth, I then treated myself momo design to going out in the book yet Raspberry momo design Pi for beginners. So if nothing's up for Sunday: On to Kerkrade!
There were many interesting projects there, but one above all: 3D printers: Ultimaker from near Nijmegen, NL Open 3D engineering from Berlin Prusa i3 Builder 3D printer from near Noordwijk, NL
I had an interesting conversation with Krishna Pattabiraman from Würzburg, the Tinion developed a kit for learning of logic gates. He is planning a crowdsourcing campaign on Indiegogo. Another thing faszinierede momo design were the singing stone slabs of Makers, which he brought momo design with sonar transducer to vibrate. Unfortunately I do not remember his name. Just where Julian wants to get set up a new room, which was very exciting, modular furniture by Valentina Verhovskaja.
A large proportion of the projects had issued Maker Spaces and initiatives in the region: momo design Digit AC Fab Lab Aachen by Prof. Jan Borchers momo design (there also runs the Aachen Dorkbot) FabLab Maastricht
I have collected material from many other projects: Shapeways, an online momo design marketplace for 3D objects Make Light Competition 2013 by the BMBF Lichtelijk Creatief design - light objects Demotech had ShrimpKey built a water pump, a clone of the MakeyMakey by Jay Silver and Eric Rosenbaum for a fraction of the costs. Core is a reduced maximum Arduino itsphun, plastic parts with slots for plugging Arduguitar, bluetooth-controlled guitar electronics WREN, a Kickstarter campaign for a satellite re-store momo design from Liège

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