Saturday, March 28, 2015

Visitor, wilfred costume Posted on Tuesday, 03 March 2015 at 11:10 AM

My blog is to provide information on the Comoros 'جزر القمر', political, social, economic. Also, in all francophone countries, France, using the same political, social sauce, economic ... HOME INFORMATION: REMINDERS UN - UN: Solving wilfred costume on the admission of UN Comoros in which it araffirm the need to respect the unity and territorial integrity of the Comoros archipelago wilfred costume composed of Anjouan, Grande Comore, Mayotte and Mohli. "Rsolutions UN No. 31/4 of 10.21.1976" 1- condemns rfrendums of 8 February and 11 April 76 organiss in the Comoros to Mayotte by the French government and CONSIDERED as null and void and rejects a) any form of consultation or referendum could be organized ultrieurement Comorian territory of Mayotte by France. b) any lgislation The Bahamas tending legalize any Française colonial presence in Comorian territory of Mayotte. 2- vehemently condemns the presence Française Mayotte in violation of the national unit, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the republic independent entrance of the Comoros. "- Francois Mitterand: During his trip to the Comoros in 1990, the Chair Franois Mitterrand dclar the Comoros Mayotte sparant law is an unjust law Michel Rocard: Monday, January 28, 2000. Washington "under international law, Mayotte administration by France is illegal" .......................... .................................................. wilfred costume ............ I wish you a good visit NB: This blog is yours If you have an idea, leave a comment or send me a message by clicking just down Thank you..
Info Created: wilfred costume 02/02/2008 at 7:11 AM Updated: Yesterday at 6:49 PM 4,805 items 8.657 202 comments 202 friends favorites 694 hearts
A military would have us in his service weapon to shoot bullets tural another. According to my sources, it would be an incident between two elements from an intervention squad. For now, I still do not know the motive wilfred costume of "the incident" is a leading FCD pulls a gun brother. The enqute is already underway and all superiors officers of the national weapon of development are now El-Marrouf because military accuse two serious injuries. I presents you MCpl Djoumoi Moussa. The man easy gchette which I described you the flash-Info last night after the incident wilfred costume that made bless grave.Comme 1 we can see from the photo, it is not funny. He shoots faster than his shadow! continued ... Irchad Abdallah
Visitor, wilfred costume Posted on Tuesday, 03 March 2015 at 11:10 AM
This time Aboudjahazi n'tait not Ouani to see Mohamed bacar and Shiite separatists but Moutsamoudou to meet and Ahmed Sambi Bourhane other Shiites, but .. Abu Unionists, you loved anything as food l-low Moutsamoudou ?? Ok and you have the recipe for apprci dtournements ?? You know what Aboudjahazi Ms. Abou a achirafi like you read dput .. hi, hi, hi, .. Abou, soon, I suggest you visit the Shiites Domoni, the adoptive places Djohar .... From Lyon, Aboudjahazi is able to visit Anjouan ..
that's true, then it is Mutsamudou Chams Maafou as Sambi and both made studies in Saudi Arabia, two very important points in common when one lives in France and the other seeks become a citizen after having exercised rfugi senior judiciary of a country wilfred costume with a people he dnie in practice and gestures but CONSIDERING Sambi well loved people of the Comoros in cases of theft crimes and lies assistantship of public funds. Hihiiii the majority and minority, Ah Ngizo Ndahu? Who made a acadmique research ministers dpartement applicants and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation for dlivrer the conditions of accessibility to boursire Studies superiors of bnficiants on behalf of the Comorian people, the state, nation and republic. Nawa dzihwa homidjini hao ye Bavu Yahao Ya ndo djulwa because wilfred costume it is money Comorian bo Wandru people wilfred costume with Nde watukufu mabwidzi Wa Daula. Ahmed Bourhane if you are in the camps criminal liars and thieves of public funds of assassins you reasons. It must defend its camps. Hewe! Tsi haki. It was I who said Lamia Dzaha ngalisihao. ndanganyo yemimia neni sha lekazwa nimwana wilfred costume Damu. Ye miwufadje. Juwa masihu lipasuwa Ngaya Ye mid uwufadje Here Lyon Aboudjazari now I remember some word

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