Saturday, January 3, 2015

79. convoluted 5 different Origami animals (1/5)

Studying is a very interesting thing. You never know what new will discover how ordinary lecture, for example, the Latvian language culture. tisa hats And that today is an interesting day when I discovered how much we (society) incorrectly talking and talking and teach their children. And so, these days the news directly from the University of Liepaja promises .. Diminutives Small ievadiņš to be understood for what it is it;) These are all words pamazinātajā terms. Flower, dog, tooth, etc. It is known that every word has its declination, total 6 declination. tisa hats In a declination of a word can be determined according to the top (there are some exceptions). First 3 vīr.dzimte, next 3 female. gender. 1 s; s frost, wind 2 s John exceptions - stone, autumn, water, lightning, moon 3 s honey, ice 4. At home, Anna 5 e Liene, Zane 6 s night, fish, eye, sky, sand, barn, goose, heart, tisa hats and again on the declination, diminutive. Column list of the names of the base form, set the declination and write diminutives and behold revealed !!! Machine - 4 safety car seat bracket. - MašīnIŅA Who would have thought, we say machines, but turns out to be examined by Vita - Vitina Rita - scrolling, Lita - Litiņa Map - 5.dekl. - Booked Dace - Dacīte, Zane - Žanītis and interesting - the name of the card is both a map of the world and the library card and greeting card (card - this is not literally correct name) So we lecture came to the conclusion that almost all parents their children from birth are taught not to speak of the literary language. If we do not change, then our children will speak wrong at the same time understand that if I teach your child to talk "Mašīniņa" society will think that what we are strange, do not talk properly. And similarly with the word "card". If I say, buy a card that must get card, all is clear about what I am talking about, but if I start to say the card could not understand. These are my new revelations that day, maybe someone is useful;) tisa hats And yet, if ever be converted into words useful info: The endings for each declination: tisa hats 1. 2-ins -tiņš, -ītis ins 3 4 5 -iņa -īte 6. -iņa, -tiņa, -sniņa Pictures from Internet resources
2014 (15) December (1) November (1) September (1) August (1) July (4) May (1) April (2) February (2) January (2) 2013 (24) December (3) November (1) September (5) July (3) June (1) May (3) March (4) February (1) January (3) Diminutives Continued .... "5 Love Languages" 2012 (6) December (3) September (2) January (1) 2011 (5) December (1) November (1) September (3 )
How to burn DVD disc
Almost Tiramisu
Mince pillow
Unemployment, Z-festive games, 5 love languages 1, Diminutives 5 Love Languages 2, heritage, DVD - Tutorial, Ice Machine 1, SRS, Ice Machine 2, Garra Rufus, challenge Poastcrossing tisa hats
14 throw a picnic on the roof of an apartment house in Riga
30. Learn to ski
46. Photograph the 101 images on the theme of "Nature" (0/101)
62. 6 weeks (1x week.) Try DIY offered by any of the (0/6)
78. fry 5 different pizzas (0/5)
94. Try to ride a scooter or motorcycle
3. Read one book in English (0/1)
19. Go for a picnic
35. Each month photograph of the same place one year. Then create a calendar with these pictures tisa hats
37. For every 101 things accomplished tisa hats unit Moneybox throw 1 EURO come every time to put 2EUR - one of the executed thereof, other than the fact that the executive directly to this point. It is unfortunate that it occurred to me before. It may settle bankruptcy!
47 3 months to be active autism societies attendees (2.mēnesis;)
63. Run 5km marathon
79. convoluted 5 different Origami animals (1/5)
95. Learn to play a new board game
If you want to know the news :)

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