Friday Providers with Hilde Christina: Nerves, ash, pack and pedophilia.
Hokai, so here we are. World's end. Not really, I just thought it matched. kozaki We are at least here and tjohei, kozaki now there are few days I go to the United States. Alone. It will, if the ashes looking to hell and propellers kozaki themselves AWAY!
This week I was on the radio! kozaki Oh yes, so celebrity I feel. I dared not even to hear, but to listen to the replay after my mother threatened to pour ketchup in my shoes if I did not do it ... .and my Manolos do not like ketchup. I sat and held around snout to Spot while I talked, he is as we know something PR horny so I had to be sure he kept quiet and did not steal the show.
Today's theme is this blog: So this is a blog about pedophilia ... where it is called a disposition. To say that pedophilia is a sexual orientation is so behind that I become unwell. kozaki
Okay, let's say that pedophilia is a sexual orientation ... this man claims that he should suppress his desire his whole life ... How many of you out there had clearly you forever without sex, without sexual thoughts, without physical contact with anyone? Not so many? No, okay.
People have instincts they also (Please, ikkeno Bible talk here now) and I do not buy that a pedophile can live their entire lives without thoughts or actions he should not have or do. It just does not make sense.
Assuming it gets much outcry now, since this man does not want anyone to link to this page. But honestly, if it had been entirely legitimate what he writes about, he had well not asked people not to share it? And why write online diary if you do not want someone to read what you write ...? I reckon that I get bitch comments now, but that's okay. Some things make me pissed, this is one of them and the blog should be closed. I do my for that to happen.
AND JIPPI! This week it emerged once again up an ingenious case on facebook. Suddenly there appeared "On the floor. Every time. "And sundry at newsfeed mine and I just have to say a big thank you to the chump who invented the game ... it was truly amazing innovative whatsoever not equal" What color is your bra? 'The last abounded . We like innovative people, to put it nicely. If anyone was wondering, it was all about "Now you write where you place your purse, kozaki like for example on the table, in the closet, the chair etc .... quite fun to see how many boys who automatically think of sex "
SexyTime with Amie again, this time she fell asleep not at 2! Rather we fell asleep almost kozaki at 4, before we stood up again and was shit hungry. Or, I was shit hungry and ran around kozaki like another kozaki idiot, so Amie asked what on earth I had smoked. Looove Amie, I was high on loooove. Haha, no. Jo. No. Jo? Jo. Jo.
"I did not dare even to hear, but to listen to the replay after my mother threatened to pour ketchup in my shoes if I did not do it ... .and my Manolos do not like ketchup.": Rotfl:
Looking forward to this Inlay every week since you began with it :) Always equally kjekkt reading :) Do not know when you're traveling, but good trip to the USA! Hopefully ash problem was resolved. Denounced Island: P
But honestly .. If he will not be linked to, why has he said spammed down various blogs in recent kozaki days with questions about not people can drop his blog and express kozaki their opinion? It's not exactly a plea to NOT be noticed: p
Being disgusted by the blog there .. He's trying to make pedophilia "legal" because there is less abuse. It's like selling hashish on pole it had not been fewer who had tried it then to say it like that .. fysj.
Reading a blog do not want to do that more are pedophiles. The author points out the that he is completely against the abuse of children so I would not exactly say that the blog in any way encourages child abuse.
I think even that it is a difficult issue and my first reaction when I hear pedophilia is that I link it against child abuse. But that one is a pedophile, it means that once in a lifetime must do abuse? That one can not manage kozaki their own sexual needs against their own morality?
Reply Susanne April 16, 2010 at 10:35 p.m.
OMG. It is not an orientation y'know, but a mental disorder. One who is sick in the head words! Now we the not look down on those who are mentally ill, but to call this a sexual orientation kozaki is just over. Brands I get pissed here.
I must throw myself on pedophilia debate here also, yes I know I've said it on FB already, but this is too silly. Debate on a theme is good. We need a treatment and punishment system of abuse that works, we need greater knowledge about pedophilia and we need to prevent abuse, including by giving pedophiles help to cope with their sexuality. But Islam more of pedophilia and abuse is simply madness.
Yes, it goes surely the way for someone to live a whole life without committing sexual acts, there are
Hokai, so here we are. World's end. Not really, I just thought it matched. kozaki We are at least here and tjohei, kozaki now there are few days I go to the United States. Alone. It will, if the ashes looking to hell and propellers kozaki themselves AWAY!
This week I was on the radio! kozaki Oh yes, so celebrity I feel. I dared not even to hear, but to listen to the replay after my mother threatened to pour ketchup in my shoes if I did not do it ... .and my Manolos do not like ketchup. I sat and held around snout to Spot while I talked, he is as we know something PR horny so I had to be sure he kept quiet and did not steal the show.
Today's theme is this blog: So this is a blog about pedophilia ... where it is called a disposition. To say that pedophilia is a sexual orientation is so behind that I become unwell. kozaki
Okay, let's say that pedophilia is a sexual orientation ... this man claims that he should suppress his desire his whole life ... How many of you out there had clearly you forever without sex, without sexual thoughts, without physical contact with anyone? Not so many? No, okay.
People have instincts they also (Please, ikkeno Bible talk here now) and I do not buy that a pedophile can live their entire lives without thoughts or actions he should not have or do. It just does not make sense.
Assuming it gets much outcry now, since this man does not want anyone to link to this page. But honestly, if it had been entirely legitimate what he writes about, he had well not asked people not to share it? And why write online diary if you do not want someone to read what you write ...? I reckon that I get bitch comments now, but that's okay. Some things make me pissed, this is one of them and the blog should be closed. I do my for that to happen.
AND JIPPI! This week it emerged once again up an ingenious case on facebook. Suddenly there appeared "On the floor. Every time. "And sundry at newsfeed mine and I just have to say a big thank you to the chump who invented the game ... it was truly amazing innovative whatsoever not equal" What color is your bra? 'The last abounded . We like innovative people, to put it nicely. If anyone was wondering, it was all about "Now you write where you place your purse, kozaki like for example on the table, in the closet, the chair etc .... quite fun to see how many boys who automatically think of sex "
SexyTime with Amie again, this time she fell asleep not at 2! Rather we fell asleep almost kozaki at 4, before we stood up again and was shit hungry. Or, I was shit hungry and ran around kozaki like another kozaki idiot, so Amie asked what on earth I had smoked. Looove Amie, I was high on loooove. Haha, no. Jo. No. Jo? Jo. Jo.
"I did not dare even to hear, but to listen to the replay after my mother threatened to pour ketchup in my shoes if I did not do it ... .and my Manolos do not like ketchup.": Rotfl:
Looking forward to this Inlay every week since you began with it :) Always equally kjekkt reading :) Do not know when you're traveling, but good trip to the USA! Hopefully ash problem was resolved. Denounced Island: P
But honestly .. If he will not be linked to, why has he said spammed down various blogs in recent kozaki days with questions about not people can drop his blog and express kozaki their opinion? It's not exactly a plea to NOT be noticed: p
Being disgusted by the blog there .. He's trying to make pedophilia "legal" because there is less abuse. It's like selling hashish on pole it had not been fewer who had tried it then to say it like that .. fysj.
Reading a blog do not want to do that more are pedophiles. The author points out the that he is completely against the abuse of children so I would not exactly say that the blog in any way encourages child abuse.
I think even that it is a difficult issue and my first reaction when I hear pedophilia is that I link it against child abuse. But that one is a pedophile, it means that once in a lifetime must do abuse? That one can not manage kozaki their own sexual needs against their own morality?
Reply Susanne April 16, 2010 at 10:35 p.m.
OMG. It is not an orientation y'know, but a mental disorder. One who is sick in the head words! Now we the not look down on those who are mentally ill, but to call this a sexual orientation kozaki is just over. Brands I get pissed here.
I must throw myself on pedophilia debate here also, yes I know I've said it on FB already, but this is too silly. Debate on a theme is good. We need a treatment and punishment system of abuse that works, we need greater knowledge about pedophilia and we need to prevent abuse, including by giving pedophiles help to cope with their sexuality. But Islam more of pedophilia and abuse is simply madness.
Yes, it goes surely the way for someone to live a whole life without committing sexual acts, there are
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