Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What am I missing? Why is a question baby showers about whether his tenuous legal status in Sweden (

Video: After warning her repeatedly, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange walked out on CNN's Atika Shubert when she refused to remain on-topic about the recent Iraq and Afghanistan War document releases.
We are concerned about a recent drift towards vitriol in the RSN Reader baby showers comments section. There is a fine line between moderation and censorship. No one likes a harsh or confrontational forum atmosphere. baby showers At the same time everyone wants to be able to express themselves freely. We'll start by encouraging good judgment. If that doesn't work we'll have to ramp up the moderation.
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Atika Shubert is just doing what she is told to do, to get that anchorwoman job on CNN-Intl. Walk offs typically baby showers play into the hands of the people who force these stupid baby showers questions. Atika Shubert is actually not a bad journalist--muc h better than many you see on TV. And she is bilingual in English and Indonesian, which helps in her coverage of SE Asia. But she has been sent to UK and London to groom her for anchor position.
Quoting herbert, delphine: How did this woman ever get to go on camera? Congratulations to Julian Assange for his bravery on many fronts. Perhaps she she slept her way to the top, or that aside, her daddy gave at the office.
That awful interviewer should be hung out to dry. Opportunism is never pretty. I totally agree with Julian Assange that, with the deaths of thousands of people documented clearly, the personal attack line was incredibly vicious and stupid. I suppose if an interviewer is known for being on the side of the military, they might get access there. In the end, had she no decency, had she no shame.
They will continue to persecute him as Americans always do it, with a sex scandal. That's the one thing Americans will burn anyone at the stake for, and it's very easy to either set up or lie about. Did she HAVE to ask this question (must pump up rating with sex!), but she seems to me like almost all journalists today: young, baby showers female, sexy, 25-35, and ignorant and serving the status quo. I see few serious, experienced people in journalism now, just young, pretty clueless girls. It's shameful.***Thi s man has guts, and you can see the cost to him. She collects (an undeserved) paycheck.
I take exception at just one part of your comment baby showers about Americans persecuting as they 'always' do. This only depends on who you are, examples: Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski, persecute. Republican senators and congressmen and pages, affairs and advances in public restrooms, not persecuted. baby showers G W Bush and Condi Rice, not persecuted, as a matter of fact, pretense it didn't happen.
Agree....gutsy guy who will be condemned by good ole USA as we continue to self-destruct in our massive denial.....unab le to see the "cost to him," so clearly evident, she sadistically stabbed him over and over. Woe is us!
Quoting Bethany G.: Why are we not marching in the streets about these two wars? Because (1) there is no draft so students have no reason to be politically engaged. (2) the casualty figures are not high enough to get the attention of the American people. If we were seeing 400+ American deaths baby showers each week from these wars as we saw during the Vietnam war, these wars would have the attention of the Americans people in a much different manner. Quoting Bethany G.: And why does the press (not all) continue to focus on all the wrong things? Because America baby showers has ceased to be a democratic republic and is now (and has been since the end of WWII) is a corporate oligarchy. The mainstream news media is corporate baby showers owned and therefore will not criticize the genocidal aspects baby showers of American foreign policy because the corporate oligarchy - a large part of which is the military-indust rial-congressio nal complex - derives massive baby showers revenue from these wars.
If this is what CNN is, through its shameful interviewer who ignored the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians and tried to turn this interview into her own "Jerry Springer" show, then CNN must be blamed baby showers for our ongoing atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan and ... you name the place!
What am I missing? Why is a question baby showers about whether his tenuous legal status in Sweden (did I get that right?) is a possible distraction to the work Wikileaks is doing a "vicious and stupid" attack? It strikes me as a legitimate question worthy of an answer, and he came off to me as somewhat of a d!&k.
Quoting mstrpete: What am I missing? Why is a question about whether his tenuous legal status in Sweden (did I get that right?) is a possible distraction to the work Wikileaks is doing a "vicious and stupid" attack? It strikes me as a legitimate question worthy of an answer, and he came off to me as somewhat of a d!&k. What is missing here is that Assange's legal residency problems are well documented. He was recently involved in a rape accusation and was completely exonerated. There has been vast reporting on wheth

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